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The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 208/381 books (54.6%) have been reviewed. We'll get there … eventually.
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busiest month: January (27)
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133.4 words in the average review
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Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle - Part V - Ravenclaw.
Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle - Part IV – A Founder's Return.
Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle - Part V - Gryffindor.
Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle - Part VII - Exile.
Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle Part VI.
Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle - Part VIII - The Second Wizarding War.
Cover placeholder for Of a Linear Circle - Part IX - Serpent in the Grass.
Cover of This Alien Shore.
Cover of Three Parts Dead.
Cover of Four Roads Cross.
Cover of Between Copernicus and Galileo.
Cover of Salt Magic, Skin Magic.
Cover of Widdershins.
Cover of Death by Silver.
Cover of Son of a Liche.
Cover of Leviathan Falls.
Cover of City of Blades.
Cover of Das Stunden-Buch.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cover of Das Paradies der Schwerter.
Cover of Creatures of Light and Darkness.
Cover of Eaters of the Dead.
Cover of Flight of Magpies.
Cover of The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant.
Cover of Captive Prince.
Cover of A Symphony of Echoes.
Cover of Ein Drei-Tassen-Problem.
Cover of Shield of Thunder.
Cover of So You Want to Be a Villain?.
Cover placeholder for The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized.
Cover of The Middle Ages: A Very Short Introduction.
Cover of The Right Stuff.
Cover of Talking about Machines.
Cover of The Quantum Thief.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cover of The Fractal Prince.
Cover of Watership Down.
Cover of Two Truths and a Lie.
Cover of A Better Way of Saying.
Cover of Metal Like Blood in the Dark.
Cover of Little Free Library.
Cover of The Star.
Cover of Stuff Matters.
Cover of Dragonflight.
Cover of Canticle.
Cover of Open House on Haunted Hill.
Cover of Beware of Chicken.
Cover of A Canticle for Leibowitz.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cover of Märchenland für alle.
Cover of There is No Antimemetics Division.
Cover of We Are Satellites.
Cover placeholder for It Looks Like You’re Trying To Take Over The World.
Cover of Artifact Space.
Cover of Till We Have Faces.
Cover of We Are Legion.
Cover of Lt Leary, Commanding.
Cover of The Space Merchants.
Cover of Planet for Rent.
Cover of Die Stimme des Herrn.
Cover of A Prince Out of Time.
Cover of Monstrous Regiment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cover of A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking.
Cover of Black Sun Rising.
Cover of The Blacksmith Queen.
Cover of Drowned Ammet.
Cover of City of Miracles.
Cover of Railsea.
Cover of Magic Strikes.
Cover of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August.
Cover of Master & Commander.
Cover of Magic Slays.
Cover of Magic Dreams.
Cover of Magic Bleeds.
Cover of Magic Mourns.
Cover of Magic Gifts.
Cover of Gunmetal Magic.
Cover of Magic Tests.
Cover of Magic Breaks.
Cover of Magic Rises.
Cover of Magic Stars.
Cover of Magic Steals (World of Kate Daniels).
Cover of Magic Shifts.
Cover of Magic Triumphs.
Cover of Magic Binds.
Cover of Causal Angel.
Cover of A Year Like None Other.
Cover placeholder for The Road Not Taken.
Cover placeholder for Auf Rabenflügeln.
Cover of Downbelow Station.
Cover of Black Coast.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cover of A Monster Calls.
Cover of The Dazzle of Day.
Cover of The Thief.
Cover of Krabat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cover of Retribution Falls.
Cover of The Ninth Rain.
Cover of Winnie ille Pu.
Cover of L'Esprit de L'Escalier.
Cover of Sweetheart.
Cover of On the day you spend forever with your dog.
Cover of Deryni Rising.
Cover of The Shadow of What Was Lost.
Cover of The Stranger Times.
Cover of Society for Soulless Girls.
Cover of Perdido Street Station.
Cover of Slow River.
Cover of Bots of the Lost Ark.
Cover of Proof by Induction.
Cover of Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather.
Cover of Mr. Death.
Cover of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.
Cover of The Jaunt.
Cover of Silk.
Cover of RE: Trailer Trash.
Cover of Elder Race.
Cover of Dog Country.
Cover of Such Thoughts Are Unproductive.
Cover of Folding Beijing.
Cover of A Deadly Education.
Cover of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
Cover of Loving What Is.
Cover of Murder and magic.
Cover of Speaker for the Dead.
Cover of Spock's World.
Cover of Queer Tattoo.
Cover of An Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England.
Cover of Laws of Night and Silk.
Cover of Epic.
Cover of Man Who Lost the Sea.
Cover of Babel.
Cover of Post Human.
Cover of Tyll.
Cover of Little Book of Demons.
Cover of A Pail of Air.
Cover of The Will to Battle.
Cover of Four Thousand Weeks.
Cover of Cage of Souls.
Cover of Blacktongue Thief.
Cover of Summerland.
Cover of Fox's Tongue and Kirin's Bone.
Cover of 17776: What football will look like in the future.
Cover of Schloss Wildenstein.
Cover of Einer vom Hause Lesa.
Cover of The Last Watch.
Cover of Das Dritte Reich des Traums.
Cover of Quillifer.
Cover of The Courage to Be Happy.
Cover of Prohibition Orcs.
Cover of Frozen Talons.
Cover of Jhereg.
Cover of Mirror Mirror.
Cover of Reluctant Swordsman.
Cover of The Black Company.
Cover of Charmed Life.
Cover of The Lives of Christopher Chant.
Cover of Witch Week.
Cover of The Magicians of Caprona.
Cover of Conrad's Fate.
Cover of The Pinhoe Egg.
Cover of Libriomancer.
Cover of Trials of Morrigan Crow.
Cover of The Summer Tree.
Cover of Deathless.
Cover of His Majesty's Dragon.
Cover of Bears Discover Fire.
Cover of The Warrior Heir.
Cover of Low Town.
Cover of The Sea Witch Sets the Record Straight.
Cover placeholder for Reasons To Be Cheerful.

Stats and numbers

2021 2022 2023 all time
books read 119 167 154 1241
pages read 44,957 58,943 18,356 451,727
books per week 2.3 3.2 3.0 0.89
median length 352 314 328.0 320
median publication year 2014 2013 2020 2005
average rating 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.2
% female / % male authors 44.5% / 47.9% 41.3% / 58.1% 16.9% / 9.1% 34.2% / 63.3%