There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 260/415 books (62.7%) have been reviewed. We'll get there … eventually.
I couldn't resist the temptation to generate something like reading statistics from the data I use to build this site. These statistics are as inaccurate as they are fun, for a multitude of reasons.
For example, I didn't start tracking the books I read until I joined Goodreads in April 2015. I tried to reconstruct as much of my childhood reading as I could manage, but I failed miserably. Across long stretches in school I read more than a book per day – our school library only allowed us to check out six book at once, and it was only open three days per week, which did **not** work for me! Many of those books were re-reads, or me tearing through series after series of generic YA, so not much is to be mourned – but I may still add books retroactively, if and when they come up.
Or: of course there's no such thing as a book. To put it differently: what even is a book? These stats include everything from short stories to multi-thousand pages book collections – basically everything I wanted to log or note or have an opinion on.
But still, it's nice to look at, and I'm tempted to add more ridiculous charts, like mapping publication years against length, or temperature against ratings, or …
Rating and books over time
The first books are always the best. Wild oscillations when I read nearly nothing, then a steady decline as I turn into a crotchety old man. (The pandemic didn't help, either).
Rating and books per page count
300 to 400 pages is my happy place, apparently. Expected a much steeper drop-off for the 2000+ books (aka fanfics).