There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 268/423 books (63.4%) have been reviewed. We'll get there … eventually.

The Brothers Lionheart

Cover of The Brothers Lionheart.

There’s nothing I don’t love about this book. It drew me in and swallowed me whole, back in the day. I re-read it so much that I can still tell you which page I used to skip because it was too scary for me. The illustrations are gorgeous, the story is rich and true and and wonderful like the best fairytales.

It was only much later that I understood that the beginning was heart-breaking and sad. Funny how there are some books that are much sadder and more painful for adults than for kids – Coraline is similar.


Aber es gibt Dinge, die man tun muss, sonst ist man kein Mensch, sondern nur ein Häuflein Dreck.
