Small Gods is Sir Pterry’s take on the Catholic church and hoo boy, is it ever a take. There are prophets and exquisitors and gods, and God, and long treks through deserts. It’s very, very good.
There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 268/423 books (63.4%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โฆ eventually.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 268/423 books (63.4%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โฆ eventually.
Words are the litmus paper of the minds. If you find yourself in the power of someone who will use the word “commence” in cold blood, go somewhere else very quickly. But if they say “Enter”, don’t stop to pack.
Om began to feel the acute depression that steals over every realist in the presence of an optimist.
We are here and it is now. The way I see it is, after that, everything tends towards guesswork.