There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 268/423 books (63.4%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โ€ฆ eventually.

Murder and magic

Cover of Murder and magic.

Had a lot of fun with Lord Darcy, but then, we all knew that would happen, don’t we? Magicians reglemented in a faux-Victorian world ruled by the Plantagets (the Empire including France, North America and so on) and the Catholic Church. Lord Darcy is a Sherlock Holmes like investigator with clever thoughts and big morals (and the required dashing dash of patriotism, can’t do without). Loved every bit of it. Lord Darcy of course can’t do magic, but his Watson, an Irish sorcerer, who is rescued from being your typical Watson by virtue of, you know, doing the magic stuff.

I’ll admit that the stories are uneven in quality and so on, but man, I just had fun!

This book is part of the 2022 Backlog Incident.