There are currently 161 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 251/412 books (60.9%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โ€ฆ eventually.


Cover of Widdershins.

Popcorn read: Victorian encounters with the paranormal continue, but this time it’s in the US. A timid philologist from a wealthy family (have to do without nobility in the US, after all) meets a Dresden-style magician for hire. They need to solve a mystery that has its solution foreshadowed so strongly, I nearly couldn’t see the text under all the shadow.

Everything about the book was aggravating: the pandering, the protagonist with his extremely exaggerated timidity and uselessness, the evil evil antagonists, โ€ฆ I have found the point where the popcorn reads become unenjoyable even for me.