There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 268/423 books (63.4%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โ€ฆ eventually.

The Black Company

Cover of The Black Company.

Going on all the reviews, recommendations and my own preferences, I should love this book. I think I might have, but having read The Commonweal, it feels like “Graydon Saunders but less good”. (Sorry!)

I really like the “figuring out what’s going on”, and the mysterious things happening in the background contrasted with company politics and the protagonist being caustic and stuff. I just didn’t enjoy the reading experience a lot โ€“ I keep feeling I should bump this to a four-star book, and that’s entirely on the back of enjoying the concept and enjoying having read about it.

Even though I wasn’t a fan, I definitely want to continue the series though โ€“ after all, Graydon Saunders isn’t keeping me busy, and more of a nearly-good thing is still good.

This book is part of the 2022 Backlog Incident.