There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 268/423 books (63.4%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โ€ฆ eventually.

Elder Race

Cover of Elder Race.

Might be the only Tchaikovsky I’ve read so far that is not entirely bleak in its conception of the human race, so that’s a new one. Other than that โ€ฆ what’s there to say? It’s a solid little book. It’s just โ€ฆ kinda lazy? I feel like Tchaikovsky is better than this; this is him taking a not terribly novel genre, and giving us his not super creative take on it, but because he’s just a good author, the result is still nice enough.

The part that I liked most was none of the obvious science fantasy shebang; it was how Tchaikovsky describes depression. Because, yes, very much like that. Nearly pushed the whole thing up to four stars, might actually do so once I re-read it for book club soon.

This book is part of the 2022 Backlog Incident.