There are currently 161 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 251/412 books (60.9%) have been reviewed. We'll get there … eventually.

The Name of the Rose

Cover of The Name of the Rose.

Medieval monks? Thinly disguised opportunities to lecture the reader about history and theology? Showing off your knowledge of obscure and less obscure references? It might sound obnoxious, but Eco is obviously just a giant nerd and is having fun, and I fell for his joy more than anything. Though I do love monasteries and medieval backgrounds and libraries and clever protagonists, so that helped.


Der Teufel ist nicht der Fürst der Materie, der Teufel ist die Anmaßung des Geistes, der Glaube ohne ein Lächeln, die Wahrheit, die niemals vom Zweifel erfaßt wird.
