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Going Postal

Cover of Going Postal.

The post office story about innovation and all sorts of things was too on-the-nose allegorical for my tastes (though I liked Thud!, so I really shouldn’t complain I suppose). As an ardent Miles Vorkosigan fan, I loved the momentum, but didn’t get on with the protagonist. This might’ve been a three-star book, but was saved by Vetinari.


Ordinary men had dreamed it up and put it together, building towers on rafts in swamps and across the frozen spires of mountains. They’d cursed and, worse, used logarithms. They’d waded through rivers and dabbled in trigonometry. They hadn’t dreamed, in the way people usually used the word, but they’d imagined a different world, and bent metal round it. And out of all the sweat and swearing and mathematics had come this… thing, dropping words across the sky as softly as starlight.


And out of all the sweat and swearing and mathematics had come this… thing, dropping words across the sky as softly as starlight.
