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The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 265/420 books (63.1%) have been reviewed. We'll get there … eventually.

A Case of Possession

Cover of A Case of Possession.

For the first part of the series, I called it β€œtoo well-written to deserve to be labeled as enjoyable trash”. The language of this second part remains well done, but the writing … not as much. It’s more over-the-top, tryhard – when it doesn’t really need to try hard, being itself would be enough: Magic Victorian lover boys return to the dirty city and deal with giant rats and prejudice while alternating between horniness and relationship drama. It’s not bad, but the charm of the first part has worn off a bit. I’m not planning to read the next part any time soon, but I imagine at some point I’ll be sick or tired or just in need of a comfort read, and I’ll come back to the series then.