There are currently 155 reviews missing.
The last time I was up to date with reviews was 2022-01-31. Since then, 266/421 books (63.2%) have been reviewed. We'll get there โ€ฆ eventually.

The Second String

Sweet, well-written, if not always logical. On the other hand, overpowered overly wise protagonists are a plague, so him being a mix of brave and stupid kinda tracks, honestly. Things are occasionally too handwavy/fanfic-logic, but honestly, good stuff. A rare commitment to actually letting some OC/central characters die with real consequences, but without making it a murderfest.

Plot summary

Beware: full spoilers! Also probably incomplete and possibly incomprehensible.

Harry gets transported into a parallel world after he gets kissed after fifth year. Takes him a while to figure out that it’s not just the past, it’s a different world. Pretends to be a squib and works for Ab Dumbledore in his pub, later drops the pretense. Makes friends, both with the kinda people going to that pub and with Hogwarts people, including his parents and eventually Dumbledore. Many people die during the war, and Voldy has a different shtick, but Harry pulls through, finds love (one of the Prewett brothers) and raises a child (orphaned, both parents were his friends).