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The Rook

Cover of The Rook.

Wow! This book has bits of Charles Stross in it (as in: secret modern British agency dealing with the supernatural), but at the same time it’s totally different. More action oriented, fast-paced, witty, and it never felt like a Laundry knockoff. I’m really interested in where the sequel is going.

(I devoured it in one day, so the mystery might not hold up quite as well if you take time to, y’know, think in between. But I devoured it in one day because it was just. so. good.)

Upon re-read: didn’t like it that much anymore. Very popcorn read, and the amounts of implausible competence and “wtf where did you get the funding” kept me irritated.


Yes, Minister, it turns out that there was a mysterious force that caused that plane crash. Yes. Yes. What was it? We call it gravity.
